Somewhere along the way I got lost in my days and 2 blog posts are happening one day after the next. I’m not playing catch-up, honestly. I have a strange feeling this was somewhat due to my idea completely changing after having read some Alan Moore, one quote in particular shattering my illusion, illustrating that design and creativity need to be changed at the most basic fundamental level before concepts can begin to be original once more:
"You can produce a comic about bright and interesting new characters, have a computer draw it, publish it in a lavish Baxter package and colour it with the most sophisticated laser scan techniques available, and the chances are that it will still be tepid, barely readable shit."
It made me think about how generic my story and characters I had in mind were, so it was back to the drawing board, however that is where they’ll stay as it’s really time to do the research part.
My pro MSPaint skills can only mean good things for my final design
This got me thinking though: everybody loves a rogue; the unwittingly charming, devilish one with and edge or some mysterious back story. For example, a few off the top of my head:
Captain Jack Sparrow: Swashbuckling pirate
Professor Snape: Wand…buckling Wizard
Dexter: Knife-wielding homicidal nice guy
The Joker : Batshit crazy (GEDDIT?!)
Agent Smith: Logic defying, world-breaker
Jack O’Niell: Sarcastic space crusader